Managed Print Solution

Save paper | Control cost | Enhace security with our MPS Solutions

Intelligent Print Solutions

It is our substantial desire to control un-necessary printing and wastage for organization to save cost & contribute to environment. As our tagline says, we believe in Optimum Performance of office automation & IT Infrastructure. 

Hence we offer Managed Print Services which gives full control of each print you take & prevent wastage. You can save up to 30% of your printing costs, back to organizations who print significant volumes.

To achieve the cost saving, you need experts who can fill the loop holes in printing process and we can help you with the same.


Benefits of MPS

You can leverage following benefits by Printoutsourcing through MPS and forget about all the challenges your IT Teams are struggling to make you machine up & running. 

Being subject expert we can ensure you the high availability of the products so that the printing machines are available whenever you need them. You can enjoy the following benefits through our MPS solutions:

Cost Saving

Save money on per click & maintenance cost

High Security

Only authorized person can access the prints


Take print on the machine of your choice

Tension Free

No need to manage consumables or maintenance schedules

Features of MPS

Printoutsource to us and we will effectively manage your machines through our Smart MPS Solution

Secured Print

Only authorized user can take the print. Authentication through pin, biometric or Card can be configured

Print Anywhere

After giving print, user can take print from any authorize machine with their preferred settings. Useful if nearby machine is down


Multiple reports can be generated user & department wise for all print/ copy & scan jobs

Quota Management

Quota can be predefined per user or department to manage printing budget for Mono & Color

Fleet Management

Check the status of all machines on network right from your Computer and check the consumable or paper levels

Enforce Policy

Some policies like Duplex Print, Mono Print, Large volume printing can be enforced by administrator

Connet with our MPS Consultant & Starting Saving Today